More Sales, More Often


The 12 month Sales and Marketing Programme where service-based business owners increase their sales, comfortably




without any more confusion, uncertainty or self doubt



Let’s put the ease and fun back into sales and take the hesitancy and resistance out of 'selling'.


I grew my business to £100K in it's second year, starting with only a £399 offer, and have helped hundreds of business owners catapult towards record-breaking sales in their own businesses 

no pushy sales tactics in sight!

Now, it’s your turn

Let’s put the ease and fun back into sales and take the hesitancy

and resistance 

out of 'selling'.


I grew my business to £100K in it's second year, starting with only a £399 offer, and have helped hundreds of business  owners catapult towards record-breaking sales in their own businesses 

no pushy sales tactics in sight!

Now, it’s your turn




A Sales & Marketing Programme

with Community & Mindset  

The Success Vault is here to help turn your low and slow sales into more sales, more comfortably, more quickly (so long as you do the work, the guidance is ALL here for you)! 
Accountability is KEY - no more excuses to not be making sales! No more getting in your own way.
The Success Vault is about step-by-step ACTION, OUTCOMES & SALES!
It's like a Gousto Box of courses where you follow step-by-step actions and know exactly what to implement to get the sales results you want.

The Success Vault makes sure you know what to do and how to do it with the support to do it over  12 months. 


  • We work on how to generate leads, how to create offers that people want to say yes to and how to sell those offers in a way that feels comfortable.


  • We focus on revenue generating outcomes, which increase your confidence and shift your perspective from selling to serving.


  •  Your community, friendships, referral partners and business cheerleaders are all found here too.


  • Business feels easier when you have other people with the same goals as you to bounce ideas off and reach out to when you feel a bit stuck. 


  • You'll take better action more quickly by being part of this community. 



The most expensive things in your business are indecision and lack of clarity; keeping you stuck in your head overthinking your next move. 


When you know what to sell, who to sell it to and how to sell it, the results will come!



  • Clear, actionable steps to follow so you can start making more sales immediately.


  • Expert sales and marketing training plus guest experts on a variety of business topics so you don't need to look elsewhere to develop your skill-sets or knowledge.


  • A "backstage pass" to my wins, mistakes and everything in between so you can SEE exactly how to apply the nuances of sales to your business (and what to avoid!)
  • A community of powerful, ambitious and lively business owners who are rooting for you and invested in your success


  • Mindset and motivation to keep you on the straight and narrow even with things get rocky


  • Fortnightly calls to get your burning questions answered. Don’t stay stuck, join the calls and let me support you


  • 12 month access to support so you never feel stuck with what to do. Once you’re in, you’re in for a full year - imagine the sales you'll make in that time! 

"I honestly would not be where I am in business now without Enfys.


My day rate has increased by 40% since I started working with Enfys, and it’s set to rise again this financial year. I’ve secured projects of a much bigger scale and size than ever before, including a brilliant £25K impact measurement job.”


"Enfys has helped me change my sales completely ~ so much so that I'm on target to double my income!"



"In my view, there is nothing more valuable than

The Success Vault out there. Thanks so much Enfys.”


Steph, Corporate Animator

This programme is for you if:

  • You’re prepared to try something new 
  • You’re not expecting ‘overnight success’
  • You will do the work to get the results 
  • You want to bring in bigger sales in your business
  • You know watching a couple of videos without implementation won't result in life-changing sales

The clients who get the best results show up for themselves, come to the calls and do the work.


I’m going to give you everything you need to make more sales, more comfortably and all you have to do is take action and get better at selling.


(If you don’t, you won’t get the results at the end)

The way to make more money in your business is to

get better and better at SELLING. 

So it’s time to ask yourself…


  • How long have you told yourself you’re rubbish at selling?


  • How long have you been consumed with the pressure to make more money?


  • What was the value of the last Discovery Call that you didn't close?  (What if I could have helped you close it?)


  • How many opportunities have you missed and how long have you missed opportunities because you don’t know how to comfortably navigate a sales conversation?


  • How long are you willing to wait before you invest in the skills you need to build the business you envisioned for yourself?


  • How long are you prepared to let those revenue goals go unmet, instead of surpassing them?


I’m in the business of helping service-based business owners generate more sales and grow their business.


Your next opportunities depend on your sales skills and your ability to find and create opportunities


I want to see you win by making more sales!


Do you?!







Get your Success Vault investment back—fast!

In this exclusive small group session (max 12 participants), we'll map out a high-converting sales strategy tailored to you. We'll focus on optimising your offers, building a lead generation plan, and creating a clear path to closing sales.


How many sales do you need to cover your £2,399 Success Vault investment?

Let's break it down together—then make sure you earn it back and MORE!

This is your chance to:

  • Create a powerful sales strategy directly with Enfys over a focused 3 hour strategy session. 
  • Start earning back your investment immediately
  • Get personalised, hands-on guidance


This bonus is currently available - may be removed without notice. 




New Extra


Unlock the secrets to closing sales faster and more consistently with this exclusive masterclass.


Get ready to:

  • Master quick-converting discovery calls
  • Boost your sales confidence
  • Refine your objection-handling skills
  • Start closing bigger and better deals right away
  • Prepare to sharpen your sales skills for your next growth phase and to land more clients and elevate your business!


This bonus is currently available - may be removed without notice. 

Tired of Chasing Clients and Not Signing Them Up? It’s Time to Discover a New Way to Sell That Feels Comfortable and Authentic


It’s understandable if selling makes you feel UNCOMFORTABLE. 


If the idea of "sales" makes you want to hide, you’re not alone.


I get it!


SALES has  been given a bad rep by some bad salespeople and - quite frankly - those kind of sales tactics are not for me.


That’s why selling can feel CHALLENGING, DIFFICULT or STRESSFUL.


And honestly? No wonder you feel uncomfortable with selling.


But what if I showed you another way?


A way to sell with integrity, authenticity and confidence—where you can connect with your potential clients and grow your business without ever feeling pushy or insincere.

Because selling doesn’t have to feel challenging, difficult, or stressful.

It feels good when done in the RIGHT WAY.

Here’s the thing… THAT’S NOT YOU.


Your intention is to serve powerfully.


When you focus on serving not selling, your entire approach to sales will shift.


You will attract instead of chase.


(No more hunting for your next client!)


You will attract ready-to-buy clients who trust you, believe in you, and only wish they’d found you sooner.


You’ll generate sales with intention, skills and strategy—not with uncertainty or by chance.

When it comes to business, you can’t afford to leave your sales and revenue up to chance…

Regardless of why selling makes you feel all kinds of UNHELPFUL feelings -


Can we agree on one thing?


The need to make sales will never go away.


What’s the lifespan of your business, 1-3 years or are you here for the long game?


Are you going to resist and shy away from selling every single day of it?


Because here’s what that looks like for most business owners…

... and I promise that you are not alone if any of these sound familiar:

You land a discovery call (YAY!) but then hope they don’t show up (YES!). 

(The anticipation is as nerve-wracking as the call itself - fingers crossed for a no-show!)

They show up to the sales call (Hurray!) but now you have to SELL (fear kicks in). 

(That feel-good moment quickly vanishes as you struggle to know how to make an enticing offer)

You struggle to be visible online. You want to be but it feels scary.

(Hours are lost to wondering what content to put out there and resisting doing it, especially on video)

You wholeheartedly believe in the value of your services, but shrink and hide the moment you need to communicate it. 

(How, oh how, do I make them see what I see?! How do I explain the value of what I do?)

You’ve tried courses and programmes but there are so many moving parts, you just feel CONFUSED.

(Offers, pricing, funnels, social media, webinars, networking, etc. How am I meant to piece it all together?)

You don’t know how to make irresistible "Hell-Yes" offers, so you avoid making them! 

 (If one more person tells me JUST MAKE AN OFFER, I’m going to scream 'HOW DO I DO THAT?!')

You gain clarity on one area of your business only to be hit with another frustrating challenge. 

(Which makes you forget that you ARE making progress!)

Every attempt to increase your prices is a battle with massive guilt or crushing imposter syndrome 

(So you woefully undercharge and grasp to keep yourself afloat)

Every ‘No’ feels like a little sting - a personal rejection 

(Further ammunition for your brain to criticise and hold you back - don’t let it lead to self-doubt)


**And, breathe**


You can make exciting sales (comfortably and easily!) EVERY DAY/ WEEK/ MONTH when you focus on the RIGHT things in the RIGHT way...


Let’s look at what’s really going on here!

The revenue-crushing lies you tell yourself:

  • Your prices are too high 
  • No one wants your services
  • Your offer isn’t good enough
  • The market is oversaturated
  • No one cares about what you have to say
  • YOU aren’t good enough (Argh! The lies!)
  • You aren’t giving it your all!


The revenue-crushing truth bombs:

  • You don’t have a foolproof sales strategy to follow
  • You don’t know how to sell without feeling uncomfortable
  • You focus on vanity metrics over CONVERSION metrics
  • You sell from a place of fear, rather than a place of service
  • You don’t know how to craft a "hell-yes" offer that flies off the shelf
  • Your content doesn’t pop with personality so you’re easy to ignore
  • You don’t know how to optimise your business to encourage pain-free sales
  • You don’t know how to navigate a sales conversation when you DO get a lead

It's time to change...

It's time to make the sales you really want 

Let’s acknowledge some of the biggest sales sticking points:

1> You’re trying to grow instead of convert

You don’t need to grow your audience, you need to convert the one you have, even if you only have a small audience.

You don’t need more followers, you need to nurture an audience of BUYERS.

2> You think selling is 'icky'

Potential clients come to you because they’re unhappy in their current situation and want help with their problem.

If they come off a sales call and go back to their problem, you haven't helped them.

I'm going to help you serve your potential clients comfortably by showing you how selling is serving. 

3> You’re trying to stitch together free advice

Watched every free training under the sun and still feel lost? 

Changes will start to happen in your business the second you make a commitment and start backing yourself.

You believe this to be true for your clients…

Believe it to be true for you!

4> You believe selling is ‘hard’

Everything feels hard when you don’t know how. 

If selling feels like a grind, it’s a sure sign that something isn’t right.

The Success Vault will help you optimise every touchpoint in the sales process so you can sell with ease and without overwhelm.

5> You’re focused on one sales element, not a coherent strategy

Social media content.


Sales Calls.




Sales pages.

You don't need a complex sales strategy, but you do need an aligned one.

You need a simple way to generate leads and convert them into clients on repeat comfortably

6> You don’t know how to convert

If you’re slaving away like a workhorse doing ‘all of the things’ behind the scenes but not CONVERTING leads into PAYING CLIENTS 

Then your business is leaking cash flow.

There’s a hole that needs to be plugged.

This is your opportunity to find the gap and fill it in.  We focus on this inside The Success Vault.

What if instead of sales self-sabotage..…


You had 365 days of business support, a simple but robust sales strategy, and painfully honest insights that show you exactly how to run a business that constantly promotes your value, inspires loyalty, and encourages a flow of sales?  


So you can...


Create an irresistible, enticing journey to your offer at every single touchpoint with fully-committed HELL-YES clients who are already sold on YOU (before you even make an offer).

Doesn’t that sound more like it?


Then you need to join…

The 12 month Sales and Marketing Programme where service-based business owners increase their sales, comfortably


Discover how to CLOSE MORE SALES and 


without any more confusion, uncertainty or self doubt


A.K.A - Sell confidently, serve purposefully, grow exponentially!  


Listen up: 

  • You know your services help people
  • You know your business could be a HUGE success
  • You know you need to package your services into irresistible offers
  • You’re ready to become visible and found by your ideal client
  • You are CAPABLE of bringing in more money
  • You know you need to sell to more people
  • You know that your approach to sales is your key sticking point



The reason most business owners fail to create recurring life-changing sales is not because you aren’t incredibly talented and downright GREAT AT WHAT YOU DO…


It’s because you haven't yet honed your sales skills so you can sell comfortably.




The reason most business owners fail to create recurring life-changing sales is not because you aren’t incredibly talented and downright GREAT AT WHAT YOU DO…


It’s because you  haven't yet honed your sales skills so you can sell comfortably.


It takes some hard work to be a successful business owner and a great seller.


You’re highly skilled at what you do. 


People want what you have to offer. 


But you’re just not good at selling it... yet...


(It's not your fault - you just haven't been shown the best way to do it)


All you have to do is follow the strategy and step-by-step processes I’m going to give you to generate leads, perfect your offer and sell it.

It all starts here... and I'm here to help you...


  • As long as you’re COMMITTED to improving your sales skills…


  • You’ve got a ‘give-it-a-go’ kinda attitude…


  • Plus some tenacity and resilience…


Then you can make more money in less time.


AND you can enjoy sales and have FUN.


(Yes - It really can be fun!)


“I’ve trebled my income and exceeded my wildest expectations already.”


"I wish I'd known about Enfys sooner! I've increased my sales in just a few weeks"


"It’s been a transformative journey and I can proudly say I have just had the best sales months of the last two years. Thank you"


Be my next success story!

Join Today

The Success Vault


The 12 month Sales and Marketing programme where service-based business owners learn to SELL COMFORTABLY



Join today for: 

£430 x 6 monthly payments


£2,399 in full

All prices + VAT



Get clear on who you sell to, what you sell and how you sell it, on repeat.

We cover how to generate leads, create irresistible offers and how to sell them with comfort and ease...

During this programme your confidence to sell and grow your business will increase and you'll know the steps to take. 

We focus on you making more sales and getting results.

And you're part of a supportive community who cheer you on and celebrate your successes with you.

You never know... you might find your new joint venture or business partner inside. 


IMAGINE looking forward to getting on a sales call with a potential client because you know you are serving and helping them, feeling comfortable with how you handle the call and ENJOYING it!

And it results in a SALE. 

You feel good and your new client feels good. It's a WIN-WIN for both of you. 

There is no risk to you with our
If you don't find what you came for within The Success Vault, you can have a refund, no questions asked. 


Secure your place on The Success Vault  today and get ALL The Challenge Bonuses before they expire


Create & Celebrate YOUR Success!

THE SUCCESS VAULT takes the discomfort and confusion out of selling...


...and swaps it for a FOOLPROOF sales strategy with unprecedented sales training and support.

The SUCCESS VAULT contains fluff-free, revenue-boosting sales training… 


It's everything you need to generate sales.

I’m lifting the lid on everything you need to sell your services:

  • How to show up as yourself whilst also being a trustworthy authority and expert.
  • How to sell with confidence and comfort so your potential clients BUY with confidence and comfort.
  • How to set your pricing to support your revenue goals and have people eager to sign up!
  • How to convert clients through easy sales conversations rather than intrusive and pushy sales tactics.
  • How to consistently attract business so you have a stream of interested potential clients filling your pipeline.
  • How to design and package your services so that it makes it easy for people to say "yes" to working with you
  • How to shift your mindset so you can sell easily and have greater confidence than you ever imagined possible!

(Oh yeah, that last one’s a biggie!)


Find your people inside The Success Vault Community. The ones who support you, help you when you have questions or get stuck on something, hold you accountable and celebrate with you.


The Success Vault provides the sales and business support you need to achieve your goals. 

If there is ANY part of the sales process that feels like a sticking point for you - 

I’ve got you covered.

And once you’re in, you’re in FOR A FULL YEAR!


Meet your host,

Enfys Maloney

Five Time Award Winner

Sales Strategist and Success Mentor

& Best selling Co-author


Helloooooo, Enfys here. 

(For those wondering where my name came from, Enfys is Welsh for rainbow!)

I remember being exactly where you are now

I’m not miles ahead of you, completely out of touch and with only a vague memory of what it’s like to be in your shoes.

I’ve been where you are—recently.

In fact, the challenges you’re up against right now?

I was in that exact position just 3 years ago.

I’m simply a few steps ahead, and I’m here to help you get there too.




In 2020 I completely lost my income after building a successful travel business. 


(I loved to travel and I loved sales - I’M GONNA SELL TRAVEL!)


I had to return hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of commission, manage a mentoring job to pay the bills, and raise two young children.


I had a lot of pressure, no time and one incredible idea.


(Sound familiar?)




Our financial circumstances were dire and in the first year I felt like I was just holding on.


Year 2, it paid off big time as I hit my first 100K.


And from year 3, I generated multi 6 figures in my business.

I'm going to share it all!

I'm now in year 4 and on track for another £250k year!

Almost half a million in less than 4 years - all thanks to my dependable sales and marketing approach (that I will share).

I'm not saying that to boast.

It’s to show that it's possible for you too.  A few years ago my business didn’t exist.

Today it thrives thanks to a willingness to try BIG, Try again, and WIN BIG!

(Plus some amazing selling skills - that helped)

My best strength is converting followers into buyers extremely quickly.

This is how I’ve grown rapidly over the past 4 years with only: 


  • A small email list of under 1,500
  • A Facebook group of 1,600
  • An instagram following of 1,300


My goal is to help you make sales and achieve the success you want. 


I grow quickly and pass on my sales and marketing knowledge to you ASAP.


Once I know, YOU KNOW.


Oh - and I’m incredibly straight forward.


I explain things in a way that is easy to understand and simple to implement… 

Since working with me, my clients have achieved results they never thought possible before we worked together: 

  • 5X’d their sales
  • Increased their day rate by 40%
  • Comfortably increased their prices
  • Had their best sales months to date
  • Landed high-ticket projects up to £25K in one fell swoop
  • Doubled their prices and still have a stream of prospects buying


And the reality is that - 


You can have this.


You are capable.


You are ready.


By joining The Success Vault, when you take action, you can achieve amazing results too!

Now, let me share exactly what’s available to you.



Once you enter the vault, you’ll gain access to a collection of value-filled courses, masterclasses and resources that are boxed into logical, straightforward modules.


Some will be pre-populated, others will be built as we go!


You can binge watch everything in there like a Netflix box set addict OR pace yourself. 


The Success Vault is designed to support you however you like to learn and implement.

Module #1: AMPLIFY

Amplify is your 25 step sales accelerator.


You’ll unlock weekly sales actions that land straight in your inbox.


They’re simple, direct and actionable


And the 25 steps are RESULTS-FOCUSED.


All you need to do is follow them and take the action.


Stuck on the HOW? This is it.



Feel like you’re ready to figuratively pull your hair out with frustration?


Get yourself to the Sales Spa!


Come to Serenity for inspiration, momentum, mindset, and success stories that keep you MOTIVATED as you ride the roller coaster of business growth.


(Who’s ready to feel cool, calm, and collected for a change?)


Discover quick hacks to significantly shift your perspective, streamline your processes, and get your sales MOVING in the right direction.


  • How to create your list builder
  • Tried and tested "Follow Up" Frameworks
  • Proven Checklists for sales and business development
  • Actionable Guides
  • How-tos that actually show you HOW TO SELL!


You’ll find them right here.

Module #4: TRIED & TESTED

Developing your business and making sales is an emotional journey.


Come behind the scenes so you can see me sell!


How many times have you been TOLD what works and what doesn’t…


But you haven’t been SHOWN.


In Tried & Tested I invite you backstage so you can see the ‘invisible’ work that goes into the nuances of sales.


My wins. My mistakes.


This is a non-glossy, no BS, raw account of what REALLY needs to happen to generate REAL RESULTS:


What worked and WHY.

What didn’t work and WHY.


(I’ll feel totally vulnerable, but I know that sharing my experiences will help you)


Remember how I said this is a 365 day, sales and marketing programme?


In the Expert Masterclasses section, you'll find in-depth training from specialists on hot topics that contribute to your business success.




Got a request for a specific topic? 


Just let me know.


You will not need to go anywhere else for sales and marketing support.


(If you do need something that's not there, I’ll add it into the Expert Masterclass module!)


Access to The Elevate Circle VIP Sales Training Modules 

An immersive, sales-tested process that helps you stand out and sell out.


This is the natural progression for you following AMPLIFY.


(Because trust me, once you see the incredible RESULTS you can achieve through COMFORTABLE selling, you’re going to want to go even further)


What has only ever been exclusive to my VIP clients, is now available to YOU.


The Elevate Circle training includes:


  • 5 Learning Chapters
    • Evaluate - Review & set your business goals, define your value proposition.
    • Engage - Build your client attraction strategy & sales process for streamlined sales.
    • Enhance - Sell with authenticity, hold conversations that convert, and prequalify prospects.
    • Empower - Strengthen your mindset and build your resilience. Develop the art of negotiation and communicate your value with confidence.
    • Elevate - Time to reflect, measure progress and build for the future.
  • Game changing sales training 



The Elevate Circle training  includes:


  • 5 Learning Chapters
    • Evaluate - Review & set your business goals, define your value proposition.
    • Engage - Build your client attraction strategy & sales process for streamlined sales.
    • Enhance - Sell with authenticity, hold conversations that convert, and prequalify prospects.
    • Empower - Strengthen your mindset and build your resilience. Develop the art of negotiation and communicate your value with confidence.
    • Elevate - Time to reflect, measure progress and build for the future.
  • Game changing sales training 


And there’s more!


Fortnightly Group Calls


**group calls take a break in August & December**


If you have questions about how to generate leads, how to price your offer, how to sell your programme or how to close more corporate opportunities, this is where to get those questions answered.


You know those programmes where you feel like you’re just another face in an endless sea of faces?


This ISN’T one of those programmes.


Join LIVE every two weeks on Tuesdays 12-1pm UK time and get your burning questions answered.


I take time to answer your specific questions  - I don't skim over it or give you a generic answer.  


You have access to me, so I encourage you to take full advantage of it.


Sometimes we invite amazing Guest Experts to share their expertise and insights with you too.


Pick my brains, learn from other people's questions and get the help you need to elevate your sales and business, quickly and comfortably.


You get a high level of support.  This is where RESULTS HAPPEN.

Private Facebook Community

Clients come for the sales, but they stay for the people.


This is a community of ordinary service-based business owners, just like you, who have extraordinary ambitions and want real help to achieve bigger and better sales in their business!


If that’s you, this is where you belong. (It also helps if you like having a bit of fun)


Everyone feels a bit nervous to start with - a bit like your first day at school!


Your peers are inside. 


There’s nothing quite like a supportive community of cheerleaders to propel you forwards (especially when the sh*t hits the fan and you’d rather just pack it all in).


The endless stress, pressures, sales and challenges of running your own business...


... No-one understands it better than us.


You can have a better business with a bit of help.


[I also run separate and optional events in the year so we can gather and meet in-person!]

All neatly wrapped up in my

‘SALE SAFE’ Guarantee


I want you to get at least a 10X return on this investment whether it takes 2 months or 12. 


But, if you dip your toe into the water and don’t like what you see, you can use your SALE SAFE GUARANTEE.


You have 14-days to claim a no-questions-asked refund. Simple. 

(Never gonna need to happen)


There isn’t a selling silver bullet, just a bulletproof sales strategy.


Are you ready for it?


Join Today

The Success Vault


The 12 month Sales and Marketing programme where service-based business owners learn to

sell with confidence and build incredible businesses


Join today for: 

£430 x 6 monthly payments


£2,399 in full

All prices + VAT


Group calls are held every fortnight, Tuesdays 12:00 -1: 00pm GMT

(there are no group calls in December or August).


Get 12 Months of 

SalesTraining, Marketing Strategy,

Connections, Community



Join today and get the challenge bonuses


"The Success Vault is absolutely fantastic."



The Success Vault


The 12 month Sales and Marketing programme where service-based business owners learn to

sell with confidence and build incredible businesses


£2,399 + VAT

Payment plan available. 

Group calls are held every fortnight, Tuesdays 12:00 -1: 00pm GMT

(there are no group calls in December or August).


Get 12 Months of 








Join today and get the challenge bonuses


"The Success Vault is absolutely fantastic."




Start here like these amazing clients:


 "I recommend the Success Vault to anyone that wants clarity and fun in sales strategy.The wisdom, connections and collaborations that come from it are worth the investment."


"The Success Vault is absolutely fantastic."


"I love the Success Vault! I dithered over joining but it’s been invaluable in getting unstuck when I’m trying to get over a barrier! 

Thinking about where I wanted to be in 1 year really clarified everything. Whenever I have moments in my business where I flounder, The Success Vault has so many resources that helps me to reframe what I'm thinking." 


"The confidence, advice, accountability The Success Vault provides are invaluable. The multi-level value stands out the most for me as well as being able to engage with The Success Vault community. It's fabulous!"


"I recommend the Success Vault to anyone that wants clarity and fun in sales strategy.The wisdom, connections and collaborations that come from it are worth the investment." 


"Being part of this programme not only helps me be clear about my own strategies but it helps me learn from other participants struggles, questions and celebrate our journeys moving forward, together!"



Let’s get you SELLING and LOVING your business again, as my clients do!



“The sales started to roll in and they haven’t stopped!” Rachel

"I learned more in one day with Enfys than I did with a business coach in 3 months!" -  Georgina

"My approach to business has changed, my confidence has grown and so have my sales. There is so much more momentum in my business and more excitement for me as a business owner.


I'm enjoying being close to and knowing how to influence my figures for the first time ever. I'm exploring my business and looking at new ways to serve my potential clients and work in a way that suits me better."  - Alex

"I hate the idea of 'selling' but the course showed that it's not about being pushy but being clear about how you can help a client, your USP and the value you bring.


How to take control of the selling process was a great takeaway - I'm now ready and prepared for sales calls."  - Helen

"It’s been win after win since working with you.


I really can’t stress how grateful I am and also how pleased I am that I trusted my gut and made this investment to work with you." - Nikki


"Enfys is more than a sales coach. She is a cheerleader, a connector, a business opportunity seeking missile, an accountability holder AND a sales coach." - Alex

"Enfys and her support has been priceless. I believe in myself and selling is now fun - I can’t believe I’m saying that!"

"I came away with a focused plan and a sense of renewed faith in my business. I needed that!"

"The journey has been brilliant, not just by having new clients, but the community and people I have met along the way have been great too. I no longer hate selling, in fact I enjoy it because I have seen it in a new light". - Andrea

"I now feel much more confident in handling leads, converting to sales, delivering consistent results and growing my business."


Here’s why this works...

Ever joined a course or programme only for it not to deliver the results you were promised?


You've invested with one of the big players with a massive audience.

Then you realise...

The host is nowhere to be seen - it's their team supporting you.

They are so far removed from the stage you're at in your business.

You've invested in something that is too big for where you're at. 

You get a few minutes of live support once a month as there are so many people on the calls that have questions. 

You're lost in the crowd.

But you don't need a Formula One Driver to teach you how to drive... 



You just need someone who knows how to drive.

I understand if you’ve tried programmes before and got burnt. 

But The Success Vault is here to support you where you are right now… 


You’ve got support for 12 months on this programme

We’re going to focus on improving your sales skills and then put them to work! 

The ‘cost per wear’ is HUGE


This is not like an expensive Chanel evening dress you only wear to that once-in-a-decade black tie event and think: 

“How did I ever justify buying that?!” 


This training will help you over and over and over again. 

Sales is one of the most highly valued skills.

The ONLY thought you’ll have about this investment is...

I got my money’s worth AGES ago, and I’m STILL here! 


The idea with The Success Vault is that we rapidly move you towards your revenue goals… 

And we keep going! 

This isn’t a once-and-done situation. 

You’ll use what you learn forever and get an exponential Return On Your INVESTMENT… 

I’ll be there to support you. 

Again and again and again. 

When you take action, Your success becomes Inevitable

When you take action, Your success becomes 


We only focus on the things that matter


Your time in precious. 

So we won’t be wasting energy on irrelevant stuff... 

Only the things that really progress your sales opportunities and convert your followers into buyers. 

When you join The Success Vault you will change the way you approach sales, attract clients and have a conversation with a potential client to make a sale.

I want to help you streamline your sales process. 

So you can earn more, doing less, KNOWING that you are taking actions that will lead to results.

What would your revenue look like if I helped you earn 10X more?


Pretty good I’d imagine.


What would it look like if you made 1 extra sale per month? per week? per day? 


What would it be like to retain more of your clients? 


What would it be like to have different offers at different levels so you can sell them more than one thing? 


Little by little, you can increase the amount your clients spend with you on average and this compounds into amazing results. 


Here’s how you’ll know if The Success Vault is the answer to your revenue challenges…


The Success Vault is perfect for you if: 

  • You want to improve your sales skills, so you can generate more revenue in your business
  • You’ve got a burning desire to increase your revenue
  • You recognise the ongoing need to get comfortable making sales
  • You’re done with feeling invisible and you want to be impossible to miss
  • You’re done with feeling dismissable, you’re ready to be irrefusable
  • You’re ready to be your vibrant self and attract clients who match your energy
  • You’re a self-confessed disliker of sales but you’re willing to change your perspective
  • You’re a powerful business owner who wants to reignite their selling SPARK
  • You’re not prepared to sit and stew in a pit of sales dispair, you’re ready to take action!
  • Your services are TOP-NOTCH and you desperately want your prospects to KNOW IT!
  • You need help packaging your services so you can create offers that sell
  • You want to attract the right people and generate leads on repeat

Join Today

The Success Vault


The 12 month Sales and Marketing programme where service-based business owners become

confident at selling and build incredible businesses


Here's what you have access to inside: 

🔷  12 months access

🔷  365 days of sales and marketing support

🔷  5 Modules

       🔹 Amplify

       🔹 Serenity Sales Spa

       🔹 Sales Hack Pack

       🔹 Tried & Tested

       🔹 Masterclasses

🔷  The Elevate Circle VIP 5 chapter self-study sales training

🔷  Sales Strategy Group Calls fortnightly on Tuesdays 12:00 -1: 00pm GMT (not in August or December)

🔷  Facebook Community



Join today for: 

£430 x 6 monthly payments


£2,399 in full

All prices + VAT



Secure your place on The Success Vault  today and get your hands on these bonuses:













Create & Celebrate YOUR Success!

Still on the fence?
Here's what some clients have to say about

The Success Vault...


"I love the Success Vault!


I dithered over joining but it’s been invaluable in getting unstuck when I’m trying to get over a barrier! 

Thinking about where I wanted to be in 1 year really clarified everything. Whenever I have moments in my business where I flounder, The Success Vault has so many resources that helps me to reframe what I'm thinking." 


"The confidence, advice, accountability The Success Vault provides are invaluable. The multi-level value stands out the most for me as well as being able to engage with The Success Vault community. It's fabulous!"


"I recommend the Success Vault to anyone that wants clarity and fun in sales strategy.The wisdom, connections and collaborations that come from it are worth the investment." 


"Being part of this programme not only helps me be clear about my own strategies but it helps me learn from other participants struggles, questions and celebrate our journeys moving forward, together!"




"The Success Vault is absolutely fantastic."