Close More Sales


Master the art of closing sales quickly and on repeat. It's time to prepare for your next growth phase and nail your sales calls! 


Create your very own quick converting discovery call framework. Dial up your sales confidence, work on your objection handing and start closing bigger, better sales TODAY. 


Instant Access

Low Cost; High Impact



‘Last week I confirmed a contract for £36K and submitted a bid for my first ever 6-figure contract.


Without Enfys' help and support, I would never have had the clarity and confidence to navigate big corporate deals like this.'





Now, I know what you're thinking...


'But Enfys, I'm not a natural salesperson. Selling makes me uncomfortable - let alone assertively closing a sale. I don't want to come across as pushy or salesy. I have the "ick" but ... I really do want bigger and better sales. Help!'



Trust me, I've heard it all before. In fact, some of my most successful clients initially said this. They want more sales, in less time but have no idea how to close sales comfortably. 


The important thing to know is that to sell well, you don't have to have the "gift of the gab", you don't need to be a smooth-talking schmoozer, you don't have to be a larger-than-life presence.



Selling is a skill that can be learned and mastered by anyone, regardless of their background or personality type.


You just need commitment and a desire to learn and take action...



...And my Close More Sales Masterclass will give you the frameworks and know-how you need to close sales authentically, intentionally and comfortably...(on repeat)!


During this powerful hour you will learn:

The fundamentals of effective selling – from building rapport with your clients to uncovering their needs and desires.

How to confidently handle objections and address your clients' concerns without breaking a sweat.

Proven closing techniques that will help you seal the deal and convert discovery calls, quickly.



So, step away from your desk and see how you can Close More Sales with confidence and ease. 



 How many sales calls do you hold each month? 

  • What open opportunities do you have that I can help you close?
  • If you could comfortably convert leads quickly, how would this impact your bottom line?


Take a Seat

Are you tired of leaving money on the table because you struggle to close enough sales?


Do you find yourself hesitating when it comes to asking for the sale, unsure of how to navigate objections, or simply feeling overwhelmed by discovery calls and the entire sales process?


Many service-based business owners, like yourself, grapple with closing sales and making the revenue they really want. I help already-successful individuals dramatically enhance their processes, so they can make slicker and quicker sales whilst delighting their end clients. 



Banish 'The Ick'

Do you worry about seeming 'pushy', and agonise when the right moment to follow up is and end up missing the mark?


So many shy away from closing on sales calls because they simply don't know what to say or how to lead the conversation assertively.


But listen, if you take a moment to calculate the value of the sales you DIDN'T close, you'll no doubt be shocked as to how much these missed opportunities add up to.


With my simple sales-calls structure these 'no thank you, this isn't the right time and I don't have the funds right now' conversations could be all-in yeses!


You can dramatically improve your results, save time, and generate more revenue by mastering the art of holding and closing discovery calls. This is what Close More Sales, the Online Masterclass is all about.  



No more drifting, No more being ghosted by prospects...


If you've ever said 'come back to me when you're ready' or 'I'll leave the proposal with you'  or anything vague at the end of the discovery call, then you need what I'm about to share. These lines cost a business more than I can calculate, and it needs to stop! 


More time doesn't help your clients, they need your guidance to make sizeable investments. Without your help, your clients cannot move forward, right? So, you need to make it easy for your clients to buy from you, on repeat. 


Because, here's the truth – whether you're a coach, corporate consultant, OBM, social media manager or any other service-based entrepreneur, mastering the art of closing sales is non-negotiable. 


Your ability to sell effectively directly impacts your business's success and your ability to serve your clients at the highest level. Those big-ticket sales, and sell out offers you see others achieve don't happen by accident; they're the result of well crafted closing mastery. 


More sales, More Money,

More Choices


 If you want more choices and freedom to invest in things in the future; If you want to have more time off, more holidays or a team to support your business - you need to make more money, consistently.


And to make money, you need to make sales...


...And to make sales, you need to know HOW to Close Sales!



'Take a moment now to calculate the value of the sales you DIDN'T close so far this year


Are you shocked how much these missed opportunities add up to?


With my simple sales-calls structure these 'no thank you, this isn't the right time and I don't have the funds right now' conversations could be all-in yeses!


You can dramatically improve your results, by mastering closing sales. This is one of THE most valuable aspects of business development that I help you with. And the impact is usually immediate.'




Help incoming!

This is where I come in, armed with my five time award winning sales training paired with my tried-and-tested frameworks and strategies.


I am going to share with you what I usually reserve for my VIP clients. 


During this masterclass, I will guide you through transforming your sales approach and laying down the foundations and frameworks needed to close more sales, more often. 


You can up your conversion so you can get better results, quicker.


You can get more people saying YES to your offer when they get on the phone to you.

When somebody enquires with you, you can have the tools and know-how to convert that enquiry into a sale, quickly. 


So many shy away from closing on sales calls because they simply don't know what to say or how to lead the conversation assertively. And this is what I will help you with today... CONVERTING SALES CALLS, QUICKLY. 



Close More Sales


Master the art of closing sales quickly and on repeat. It's time to prepare for your next growth phase and nail your sales calls! 


Instant Access

Low Cost; High Value



Dial up your sales confidence, work on your objection handing and create your very own quick converting discovery call framework.



A new approach

With my strategies and frameworks, you'll learn how to sell with confidence, overcome objections, and close more deals than ever.


  • Take an hour to FOCUS.
  • Focus on building your sales know-how so that you can breeze into your next sales call with clarity and purpose.  
  • Get clear on how to close more sales so you can achieve more sales in less time.
  • Get sales confident! 

You know what you are selling, you've got an amazing offer or service. All you need now is to Close More Sales. 




Hello Success

When you can close sales on repeat, everything starts to change. You get more opportunities, more fulfillment in your work, a better bank balance and more time in your diary. 



Achieve your sales goals; confidently. 


Close More Sales, The Online Masterclass.  



I took so much away from the session and am now completely rethinking my views on authenticity.


In addition to the excellent content, she presented it in a dynamic and engaging manner, which immediately put people at ease.


One of the other participants summed it up perfectly afterwards by saying I could have listened to her all day.'



‘Enfys has taught me so much in a short space of time and I am so grateful.


My business is booming with her by my side. She’s the best.'



'My sales have never been better.


Enfys has a unique ability to be both the fire beneath you and your biggest cheerleader at the same time. 


You get her all and the confidence it gave me allowed me to step into new arenas, forming a new and successful arm to my business.


I tell everyone who will listen and who wants to fly in their business, to work with Enfys.'


Sue, Tutoring Agency


'Since I met Enfys and started working with her, my whole attitude to sales has changed. She teaches selling in a way that makes it easy to show case your products.


I’ve launched 2 different products and on the way to a third, which ordinarily would have taken me ages to actually put out there. Previously I had a block on selling, now I’m in flow with it!'



My day rate has increased by 40% since I started working with Enfys and it is set to rise again this financial year. I’ve secured projects of a much bigger scale and size than ever before including a £25K project that I actively sold to a client.


I would never have dared to suggest it to them had not been for Enfys’



'Enfys has been KEY in helping me move my business forward.


Before I started working with her I was throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what would stick and now I have the perfect offer stack, I’m hosting my own events and sponsoring other people's.


I find sales a pleasure now I understand that I’m helping people by sharing my skills and knowledge and my business is growing like I couldn't have imagined this time last year.'



'I travelled over 3 hours to Enfys' event as I knew it would be worth it - and I wasn't wrong! 

I had a wonderful day in a great environment too - which always helps. Enfys delivered her talks in a clear and relevant way.

I learnt lots of new things but realised some things which I was doing wrong. I have made significant changes from what Enfys taught me. 

There were some very inspirational ladies at the event too - some have since become clients and also friends. A definite win-win! 

Thank you Enfys! 💜' 


Sarah Clay

Build a successful, profitable, rewarding, business.



I'm Enfys

Five time award winner and bestselling co-author.

I help business owners galvanise their earnings and bring consistent, reliable revenue into their businesses.

As a sales strategist, mentor and trainer, I offer sophisticated training designed to help service based businesses make more sales, comfortably. 

If you're looking to make more sales in less time - then you've come to the right place!

Whether you run an established business or are in the early stages of building your business, there is so much I can help you with. With simple yet powerful sales advice you can totally transform your business earnings and make massive progress in your business.  



Close More Sales


Master the art of closing sales quickly and on repeat. It's time to prepare for your next growth phase and nail your sales calls! 


Instant Access

Low Cost; High Value



Dial up your sales confidence, work on your objection handing and create your very own quick converting discovery call framework.