Can you depend on your skills to take you where you want to go?
Your sales skills are the foundation on which your business is built.
They go hand in hand with your expertise and are equal in importance to your business as anything, but so often go overlooked. You may have spent years studying, but without your sales skills your business dreams will never be realised.
Can you rely on your current sales skills to deliver?
The level of your sales skill can do one of two things; they can propel you forwards or keep you
The best place to start is with the end goals!
Your business and life goals are intrinsically linked. You will be far more likely to succeed if you have
a clear vision of where you want to be in life. Your business and the revenue it provides is the vital
component to take you there! Think of it as a business road map. You need a destination in mind in
order to get there and your sales will be what fuels this journey.
Think about your life goals
Create a vision and then a plan. You might find that working with a life coach can help. Vision boards
are often useful for visualising our short term or long-term goals.
Your goals might include where you want to live, the type of house you want, the car you want to
drive, places you want to visit – it could be anything as its personal to you.
Start plotting and planning! Journaling can be a helpful tool and can help you download your
- What are your business goals?
- Have you started your business, and are you now looking to expand your horizons?
- What is the plan to move your business forwards achieve actual results?
- Do you have a robust sales process?
- How are you going to grow your business?
- What is your business vision?
Once you have clarity on these points you can move onto the next step, sharing your business with
the world!
Can you clearly communicate your offering?
Ultimately there is no other way to grow your business without this clarity!
Remember, for you to gain sales, your clients need confidence in you. To achieve this, you must have
self-belief. One feeds the other.
Think about your value proposition.
This is a short magnetic statement which communicates the
benefits your potential client gets by using your service or product. You must be able to share the
specific value you can bring to them. There is no room for confusion. The message must be clear and
defined. Without this your sales will fail. If you are unsure what you offer, and why your clients
should invest in you - then how can you expect your clients to be sure?
Sales Skills are essential.
Once you have nailed your value proposition move onto your sales skills. Selling is the most vital
component for all business owners to be successful in business. Unlike many skills like learning
Japanese or brain surgery, it can be taught to anyone in a relatively short space of time.
Business owners spend time and money investing in becoming an expert in their field. But often they
do not have the skills to sell their expertise, their brand or their vision. Unless you have the sales
skills to convert conversations into clients, then what you have learned will never reach your ideal
Once you have learned your trade or created that product, the partner you need is your ability to
convey your offering: and that means to sell.
Be in control.
Your sales skills should be compelling without being manipulative. Trust, and building rapport always
wins over being pushy. To have sales self-belief over sales self-doubt is empowering. Learn to listen,
ask questions, understand your clients' needs, and stay in control of the sale process. This is the
structure and topics I share with my clients.
Selling should never be a road block
You need your sales skills to open doors. To walk with you hand in hand as you walk down the zig-
zagging path that business leads.
It would be best if you were in control of which doors you open and which you turn away from. This
may seem dramatic, but when you can rely on your ability to sell, challenges morph into
opportunities. Hurdles become moments to navigate and enjoy, not problems without solutions.
The discomfort you once felt at selling, dissipates.
You will be far more likely to succeed if you have a clear vision of where you want to be in life. Your
business and the revenue it provides is the vital component to take you there! Think of it as a
business roadmap. You need a destination in mind in order to get there and your sales will be what
fuels this journey.
If you can rely on your sales process and your sales skills your business will grow. You do not have to
do this alone. If you need help and support why not join The Elevate Circle where we teach you the
skills to sell with confidence. Find out more here
The Elevate Circle is more than just a sales training programme, it’s a community of business owners
all facing similar issues with selling - and one thing is sure. All small business owners will struggle
with selling at points.