The Power of Investing in Your Business: Are You a Jane or a Vivienne?
Growing your business all depends on the choices and the action you make today!
Nope, not tomorrow or when the time is right - TODAY i.e NOW. Even though you don’t feel 100% ready, the thing I’ve found true both for me and my clients is this; you only feel ready in realisation, AFTER taking the plunge, before you’re filled with fear and self-doubt.
Running your own business can be like going on a hike in the wilderness with no map. It’s filled with unexpected twists and turns, but oh-so-rewarding when you carve out the right path.
How long it takes you to venture along that path is down to the decisions you make and the action you take.
So with that in mind let’s explore two mindsets: Person A and Person B.
Person A, let’s call them Jane.
Jane is taking it slow and solo on their business journey. They've got hurdles popping up left, right, and centre, and frankly it's downright overwhelming. Feeling all alone, they begin to lower their expectations and wait around for things to magically change. They lose faith in themselves and making decisions feels impossible.
Jane’s confidence takes a nosedive, and she knows she’s undercharging but she can’t seem to stop.
Bonkers, right? No, not really, unfortunately this is normal and where many of my clients have got to. It’s OK to be here momentarily, but staying here hurts your business prospects day in-day-out. If you’re operating like Jane - this is your opportunity to change gear!
On the other hand, we have the Person B, let’s call them Vivienne
Vivienne is ambitious, investing in help and progressing at warp speed! They know that getting the right support is key to their success. This awesome person confidently builds on their ideas, reaching heights they never imagined possible. Epic results are rolling in, and they're realising this whole ‘business thing’ doesn’t have to be quite as tricky and lonely (who knew?).
Their services are show-stopping, clients are flying through the door. When they charge, they're saying, "I'm worth it!".
Now this is the point where you have to ask yourself: ‘Which camp am I in?’.
Are you a person A or a person B? Are you a Jane or a Vivienne? Be really honest with yourself.
And more importantly, if you feel as though you’re in the wrong camp, taking the wrong path, ask yourself if it’s time to switch over.
Reader: you can
If you’re feeling lost and second-guessing every decision without anyone to ask for advice, then chances are you’re sitting with Jane in Camp A around a dwindling fire.
Progress is happening at a snail's pace. Another week, another month, and not many changes.
0/10 would not recommend.
However, it’s never too late to take a hike and go sit around camp B’s roaring fire with Vivienne who’s having a blast, roasting marshmallows and singing happy songs.
They're operating with clear confidence and a well-thought-out plan - maps are in abundance here!
The overwhelm doesn't stand a chance against their determination. When challenges arise, they face them head on, they’ve invested in having someone by their side to help them along the way. Solutions and answers are at their fingertips.
Progress is a sight to behold, bit by bit, step by step.
So, if you are a camp A-er, is it time to B elsewhere? (see what I did there?).
To put it plainer - Is it time that you invested in your business? Are you willing to back yourself in business?
Person A might hesitate, waiting for the "right time" or "when I can afford it." But this isn’t the right mindset.
To really progress, you should be making decisions on where you want your business to be in 9 months time. Yes, really!
You can probably guess that I’m firmly in camp B and Vivienne is my kind of person. It’s a no-brainer. My business is my future and my passion. It’s what’s going to bring in huge opportunities for me and my family. I invest and take action in my business because I know it’ll pay off in the long run.
It’s allll about the ROI. You get out of your business what you put in.
Remember, your business isn’t just a hobby; it’s an opportunity to create the life you want. It’s your choice if you want the door to progress and success to be open or closed.
So if there’s something on the market you’re keen to invest in, whether that be a programme, a course or an event and you’re sitting there doubting and unsure you have the time or can afford it. Ask yourself if you aim to afford it in 9 months time or if by then, you are hoping to have more freedom in your business? This will give you the answer on whether you should take action now.
Now, take a moment to reflect. Are you ready for the results you crave? Can you feel that fire within, ready to ignite?
Trust me, you've got what it takes to succeed. Own it! You know you've got this.
So be a Vivienne, charge forward with confidence, go out there and make it happen!