Sales Training

My tips on how to implement new skills



You cannot transform your business with information alone.

Only implementation can do that.


It is easy to feel overwhelmed with the amount of information we are bombarded with every second of the day. In today's world, a lack of information is never the problem. You could spend day and night consuming free content from the internet and still be left lacking the knowledge you need. The amount of information available can have a paralysing effect, where you just don't know where to start to make progress.


 Below are my tips to help you move from information to implementation 


Formulate a Structure 

To begin the process, you need clarity and a framework to work with that you can rely on to deliver results. 

Researching is the first part of any learning process. At this stage, you are not taking action; you are simply gathering information. 

Once you have decided on the methodology of your learning, then now is the time to plan your direction. 

So, for example, when you commit to working with a sales coach, personal trainer or swimming instructor, their role is to ensure that whatever you're learning is relevant to you and will give you the transformation you seek if you implement it. 

Let's think about the swimming instructor analogy.  You cannot learn to swim from reading or watching thousands of YouTube videos. Until you get into the water, it's all theory and preamble; it's just the information stage. 

You then need to formulate your plan of how you will take yourself from the research and learn phase to action stations! 


Implement in bite-sized chunks.

You might have heard the saying 'You cannot eat an elephant in one go' which is relevant when implementing learning. 

To embed into your brain and make the subject matter relevant, you need to practice.

With swimming, you need to get in the water. This will require confidence and a degree of trust in your instructor. You would expect that it will take time to learn how to swim.  From mastering the swimming, you might decide to dive in. The first time you dive is not going to be your best; that is to be expected. Like learning any new skills, things take time and practice. You are not going to be Olympic standard after one swimming lesson, and we accept this. This is no different with the skills you learn to progress your business. It will take time to learn and practice. 


 Stop pressuring yourself to be perfect. 

Many business owners put undue pressure on themselves to learn new skills and be great at them immediately. 

It can take years to hone your business skills, and your sales skills are part of many skills you need. If you're not making sales consistently in month 1, month 5, year 1, year 2, then so what? Work at a pace to suit you with a comfortable process.

Putting pressure on yourself can set yourself up for failure. Implement your learning step by step 

Selling, like swimming, is a learned skill. One you can refine and hone. And when you do, you can rely on your sales skills to deliver whatever goals you're dreaming of.  But you must have a plan and a structure to practice what you have learnt and work on your strengths and weaknesses.


Keep a journal or a diary to keep track of your progress

We can often forget how far we have come. Remember those annual school reports our teachers did on our progress at school – now it's time to work on writing that about yourself! 

Finally, reward yourself with each successful milestone you make.


Never treat learning lightly

Use the information you have gained wisely.

If you have invested time and money and paid for a course, workshop, or even gleaned some free information- implement it.

The tools you learn and the tips you find out can make a massive difference to your business not only in the short term but can be the difference between success and failure. 


Don't wait.

Don't doubt.

Take action and let's elevate your sales.


That’s why the Elevate Circle is different to other self-learn courses. 

Regardless of where you or your fellow participants are in business; whether your starting a brand new venture, growing an established one or purely want to accelerate your results then this is a place for you. This is a community underpinned with others all with the shared vision as yours.

Your challenges can be shared and overcome together. You have to run your business yourself, but you don’t have to do it alone. And nothing can feel so lonely as making sales. Feeling stuck. Feeling frustrated. Getting despondent. The sales self doubt can creep in at any point. But within a community, you'll have support.


I don't want to simply tell you how to sell well, I want to be there to support you implemented and achieve. Not just learn and leave.




To your continued success, 



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