Business Trainer Coach

How to take on the challenges that business throws at you



For as long as I can remember I have felt just that little bit overweight. Not quite enough to do much about it, just an ever-present deep-down feeling that I could, and should, take better care of my health.

So, on 2nd February 2021 I took an enormous leap of faith and invested heavily in a fitness coach. Technically I know how to lose weight and be healthy. It’s easy; just eat well and exercise more, right? So why couldn’t I do it alone? Well, I just couldn’t.


The task was too daunting.

I’m now 5 months in and I’m fitter than I have ever been. I’ve lost well over a stone and all my clothes now fit. ALL of them. Even the stuff from the back of the cupboard that still have the tags on.

I’ve also signed up to do a half marathon, so I’ve just invested in a running coach to help me with that too. Technically I know that all I need to do is run a few times a week and add to the distance, so why do I need a running coach?



But fitness, health and running a business alone is just not that simple, is it?

My motto is "You have to do it yourself, but you don't have to do it alone".

When we try to do something new, our old habits, our old self can get in the way each time. It’s a real and endless struggle of trying and failing when we do things alone. We all benefit from having a helping hand to guide us, mentor us, encourage, motivate, and inspire us.

It’s not just about the expertise a good mentor can share. It’s the accountability they provide and the help with the implementation that they alone can bring out of us. 

What my fitness coaches do for me, and what I do for my sales mentoring clients is surprisingly similar.

Yes, my clients can, and have been, selling OK alone but they are struggling with their confidence, strategy and approach. Their current sales skills are limiting them in some way. They are not reaching their business potential as they only have what they themselves know to guide them.

Having me by their side offers a new voice to provide fresh ideas, suggestions, techniques and encouragement which fosters sales confidence.

Business confidence and clarity invite opportunities and in turn the sales follow. 

I’m feeling utterly daunted by the prospect of keeping up my weekly 6am fitness sessions and adding a further running goal into the mix. I could do it alone. But I just don’t want to. I want to enjoy the process and not just survive it.

I want to feel supported day in day out by the community of others working towards the same end. Which, incidentally is what I want for my own sales mentoring clients.

I want them to enjoy selling, I want them to set big goals and achieve them.

I’ll worry about how they’ll achieve them; all I need is to know are your aims and I’ll provide the ‘how’. Just like my fitness coaches do for me. I told my coach that I wanted to lose weight and get fit and feel happier in my body; I didn’t know how exactly but I didn’t need to worry about how. Good mentors sort the how, all I just needed was to have a goal in mind and they’d lead me there! 


 Wish me luck with the run! I’m up for the challenge, are you?




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